Carbon Management

MidStar Timber Harvesting, Inc. has now become a Licensed Carbon Aggregator in the State of Alabama, giving us the ability to generate additional income for landowners by marketing the Carbon Credits that are produced on their property. Through our exclusive licensing agreement, MidStar now has the resources necessary to provide landowners across the state with an additional source of revenue and expert advice on the management and marketing of their Carbon Credits. Click HERE for more information.

  Not only does Mid Star Timber Harvesting, Inc. operate award-winning logging crews, we also buy timber. We realize that selling timber is a very serious decision; one that calls for several factors to be taken into consideration. We understand what may be a routine occurrence for one landowner may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for another.

  When making this decision, we feel the following factors should be taken into consideration:

  1. Will my timber be harvested in a manner that will be best for my stand of timber?
  2. Will the logger I choose to harvest my timber protect my land for future use?
  3. Will my timber be merchandised in a manner that will ensure maximum return on my investment?
  4. If this is a clearcut, will someone help me make arrangements to have my land replanted?

  At Mid Star Timber Harvesting, Inc., the answer to all of these questions is YES!

  If you are considering the sale of timber, or land and timber, please give us a call. We will be glad to help you in any way possible. We are experienced in plantation thinning, select cutting of natural stands and final harvesting of mature stands.

  For more information, please call or email us at:
Office: (251)843-5407

  Or you may call any of our forestry professionals listed below:

Frank Mozingo
Henry Lovette
Gerry Ishee
Devin Snowden